You are viewing the website for the aac-rerc, which was funded by NIDRR from 2008-2013.
For information on the new RERC on AAC, funded by NIDILRR from 2014-2019, please visit


David McNaughton
(Penn State University)


• Traditional conference presentations and publications do not reach all AAC stake-

• Web-based materials provide access to information in a way that minimizes financial
and travel constraints.

VSD webcast


Develop free video webcasts on a variety of topics of interest to the AAC community. This information will be produced in three formats:

(1) Introductory – a series of short (3-5 minute) videos demonstrating the positive impact of AAC for specific populations ;

(2) Developing Skills – a series of 20- minute skill-focused streamed webcasts for pre-service professionals, parents, rehabilitation engineers, SLPs, etc; and

(3) Focused Competencies – 45 minute streamed webcasts detailing AAC-RERC project results, technology transfer activities, and important AAC emerging issues for experienced AAC stakeholders.

Webcast information will be in multiple formats (video, audio, transcriptions) to support accessibility

Annual update (May, 2011)

• Over 15,900 views of the 15 available AAC-RERC webcasts during the past year (April, 2010 - April, 2011)

• New webcast, Employment and Individuals Who Use AAC, presented by David McNaughton and Anthony Arnold (November, 2010)

• New webcast, Public School Students: Who Can Pay for SGDs?, presented by Lew Golinker (April, 2011)

• New webcast,  Introduction to AAC for Young Children, presented by Kathy Drager, Janice Light, and David McNaughton (May, 2011)

• Continued development of  an interactive blog site to enable communication between webcast presenters and pre-service professionals. Beth Anne Luciani, an individual with complex communication needs who attends university, discussed her webcast, AAC and College Life - Just Do It!,  with Penn State University undergraduates in fall and spring semester, 2010. Over 800 students viewed Beth Anne's webcast during the 2010-2011 academic year

• Continued development of the AAC-RERC YouTube page . There have been over 9,600 views of the 6 posted videos. The most recented video posted, Chris Klein: Building Relationships Through the Tools of Communication, has received over 4,800 views.

• Partnered with RESNA to provide CEUs for AAC-RERC webcasts.

• Developed 6 on-line Quizzes and Certificates of Completion to support the use of the webcasts in pre-service and in-service educational programs. Over 800 students and faculty from 40 different colleges and universities have registered at the site, and 2,044 testing activities have been completed.

Knowledge transfer:

We continue to provide support for all of the webcasts developed by the AAC-RERC.

Available webcasts include

Consumer Perspectives:

Michael Williams (Historical perspectives),
Colin Portuff (Communication and ALS)
Beth Anne Luciani (College life and AAC)
Pamela Kennedy (Emergency Preparedness)

Research Summaries:

Janice Light and David McNaughton (Literacy),
David Beukelman (Aphasia),
Howard Shane (Autism),
Janice Light (AAC and young children),
Susan Fager and David Beukelman (Minimal Movement)

Professional Training:

Lew Golinker (Funding),
Aileen Costigan (Seating and positioning),
David McNaughton (AAC and transition),
Kevin Caves (Engineering design projects)
Lew Golinker (Funding for SGDs)
David McNaughton and Anthony Arnold (Employment) 
Kathy Drager, Janice Light, and David McNaughton (Intro to AAC)

A complete list is available here.