You are viewing the website for the aac-rerc, which was funded by NIDRR from 2008-2013.
For information on the new RERC on AAC, funded by NIDILRR from 2014-2019, please visit


Journal Articles


McCarthy, J., Fager, S., Beukelman, D. (2008). Dynamic capture and representation of visual content in medical settings. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Leader, 13, 84.

Todman, J., Alm, N., Higginbotham, D. J.,  File, P. (2008). Whole utterance approach in AAC. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 24(3), 235 - 254.

Light, J., McNaughton, D., Weyer, M., & Karg, L. (2008). Evidence-based literacy instruction for individuals who require Augmentative and Alternative Communication: A case study of a student with multiple disabilities. Seminars in Speech and Language, 29, 120-132. (Abstract)

McNaughton, D., Rackensperger, T., Benedek-Wood, E., Krezman, K., & Williams, M. (2008). " A child needs to be given a chance to succeed": Parents of individuals who use AAC describe the benefits and challenges of learning AAC technologies. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 24, 43-55. (Abstract)

Williams, M., Krezman, C., & McNaughton, D. (2008). Reach for the Stars: Five Principles for the Next 25 Years of AAC. Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 24, 194-206. (Abstract)

Beukelman, D., Ball, L., & Fager, S. (2008). A personnel framework for adults with acquired complex communication needs. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 24, 255-267.(Abstract)


Fried-Oken, M., Rowland, C., Baker, G., Dixon, M., Mills, C., Schultz, D., Oken, B. (2009). The Effect of Voice Output on AAC-Supported Conversations of Persons with Alzheimer's Disease. ACM Transactions of Accessible Computing (TACCESS). 1(3).

Higginbotham, D. J. (2009). In-Person Interaction in AAC: New Perspectives on Utterances, Multimodality, Timing, and Device Design. Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 18 (4), 110-160.

Higginbotham, J., et al. (2009). AAC Technology Transfer: An AAC-RERC Report. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 25, 68-76. (Abstract)

Wisenburn, B., Higginbotham, D.J. (2009). Participant Evaluations of Rate and Communication Efficacy of an AAC Application Using Natural Language Processing. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 25 (2), 78-89.

Bryen, D.N. (2009). Communicating during times of natural or man-made emergencies. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 2 (2), 123-129.

Higginbotham, D. Jeffery, Bisantz, A. M., Sunm, M., Yik, F., Adams, K. (2009). The effect of context priming and task type on augmentative communication performance. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 25(1), 19 - 31.

Dietz, A., Hux, K., & Beukelman, D. (2009). Reading comprehension by people with chronic aphasia: A comparison of three levels of visuographic contextual support. Aphasiology, 7, 1053-1064. (Abstract)


McNaughton, D., & Arnold, A. (2010). Supporting positive employment outcomes for individuals who use AAC. Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 19, 51-59. (Abstract).

Kennedy, P. (2010). Navigating through transition With individuals with speech disabilities. Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 19, 44-50. (Abstract).

Hux, K., Buechter, M., Wallace, S., Weissling, K. (2010). Using visual scene displays to create a shared communication space for a person with aphasia. Aphasiology, 24, 643-660.  (abstract)

 Wallace, S., Hux, K., & Beukelman, D.R. (2010). Navigation of a dynamic screen AAC interface by survivors of severe traumatic brain injury. Augmentative and Alternative Communication. 26, 242-254. (abstract)

Hanson, E., Beukelman, D., Heidemann, J., & Shutts, E. (2010). Impact of alphabet supplementation and word prediction on sentence intelligibility of electronically distorted speech. Speech Communication, 52, 99-105. (abstract)

Ball, L., Fager, S., Nordness, A., Kersch, K., Mohr, B., Pattee, G., Beukelman, D., (2010). Eye-gaze access of AAC technology for persons with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology, 18, 11-23.

Bryen, D. N., Chung, Y., & Lever, S. (2010). What you might not find in a typical Transition Plan! Some important lessons from adults who rely on Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 19, 32-40. (Abstract).

Link to previous AAC-RERC (2003-2008) Publications

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