You are viewing the website for the aac-rerc, which was funded by NIDRR from 2008-2013.
For information on the new RERC on AAC, funded by NIDILRR from 2014-2019, please visit


Books and Book Chapters

McNaughton, D., & Light, J. (2013). The iPad and Mobile Technology Revolution: Benefits and Challenges for Individuals who require Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 29, 107-116. 


Drager, K.D.R., Light, J.C., & Finke, E.H. (2008). Using AAC technologies to build social interaction with young children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. In P. Mirenda, & T. Iacono (Eds.) Autism Spectrum Disorders and AAC. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing (Link)


Dietz, A., McKelvey, M., Schmerbauch, Weissling, K., & Hux, K. (in press). Compensation for severe, chronic aphasia using augmentative and alternative communication. In S. Chabon & E. Cohn (Eds.), Communication Disorders: A Case Based Approach. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Light, J. & McNaughton, D. (2009). Accessible Literacy Learning: Evidence-based reading instruction for individuals with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and other disabilities. San Diego, CA: Mayer Johnson. (Link)

Light, J. & McNaughton, D. (2009). Meeting the demands of the curriculum for conventional and advanced readers and writers who require AAC. In G. Soto & C. Zangari (Eds.). Practically speaking: Language, literacy, and academic development for students with AAC needs. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. (Link)

Wallace, S. (2009). Effect of visiographic contextualization on navigation of an AAC system by survivors of severe brain injury. Dissertation Completed at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. (Abstract)

Beukelman, D., Nordness, A., & Yorkston, K. (2009). Dysarthria and traumatic brain injury. In K. Hux (Ed.). Assisting survivors of traumatic brain injury, 2nd Edition. Austin, TX: Pro-ed. (Link)

Fager, S. & Karantounis, R. (2009). AAC assessment and intervention in TBI. In K. Hux (Ed.). Assisting survivors of traumatic brain injury, 2nd Edition. Austin, TX: Pro-ed.


 Higginbotham, D.J. (2010). Humanizing vox artificialis : the role of speech synthesis in augmentative and alternative communication. In J. Mullennix and S. Stern (eds.), Computer synthesized speech technologies: tools for aiding impairment, Hershey: Medical Information Science Reference. (link)

McNaughton, D.B. & Beukelman, D.R. (Eds.). (2010). Transition strategies for adolescents and young adults who use AAC. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing (link)


King, J., Simmons-Mackie, N. & Beukelman, D. (2013).  Living with aphasia.  In N. Simons-Mackie, J. King, & D. Beukelman (Eds.).  Communication support for people with aphasia.  (pp. 1-10) Baltimore, MD. Paul H. Brookes Publishing.

Beukelman, D., Taylor, S., & Ullman, C. (2013). Digital image capture and management. In N. Simons-Mackie, J. King, & D. Beukelman (Eds.). Communication support for people with aphasia. (pp. 236-336) Baltimore, MD. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Light, J. & McNaughton, D. (2013). Literacy interventions for individuals with complex communication needs. In D. Beukelman & P. Mirenda (Eds.) Augmentative and Alternative Communication. p.309-351. Baltimore, MD: Brookes  

Link to previous AAC-RERC (2003-2008) Publications