You are viewing the website for the aac-rerc, which was funded by NIDRR from 2008-2013.
For information on the new RERC on AAC, funded by NIDILRR from 2014-2019, please visit



Blackstone, S. (July, 2009).  Introducing AAC and AT to adults with acquired disabilities: A bit about what we know. Presentation at the ATANZ Conference: Focus on Function. Christchurch, New Zealand.

Blackstone, S. (November, 2009). The AAC-RERC Writers Brigade, 2004-2008. Presentation at the American Speech and Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.  (Newsletter)

Bryen, D.N., Chung, Y., & Segalman, B. (2009). Depression, social isolation, and ACOLUG. Biennial Pittsburgh Employment Conference for Augmented Communicators, Pittsburgh, PA. (Handout)

DeRuyter, F (May, 2009). New and Emerging Developments in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Invited Keynote at 25th Annual Pacific Rim International Conference on Disabilities. Honolulu, HI

DeRuyter, F. & Shane, H. (March, 2009). AAC Update from the RERC on Communication Enhancement. Invited presentation to the 24th International Conference on Technology and Persons with Disabilities, Los Angeles, CA.

Drager, K., Light, J.,  Devlin, C., Millsop, C., & Offitto, J. (November, 2009). Adults With developmental disabilities who require AAC: Improving social interaction. American Speech and Hearing Association. (Handout)

Fager, S., & Jakobs, T. (November, 2009). State of the Art Technology for People with Minimal Movement Ability. Presentation at World Congress on Disabilities, Jacksonville, FL. (Handout)

Fager, S., Beukelman, D., & Jakobs, T. (June, 2009). Supporting Communication of Individuals with Minimal Movement. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Rehabilitation Engineers Society of North America, New Orleans, LA.(Handout)

Fried-Oken, M. (2009). AAC for Adults in Medical Settings: From ICU to Home Health Care. ISAAC-ISRAEL annual conference

Gibbons, C. (2009). AAC for Adults with Neurodegenerative Disease. Oregon Health & Science University/CDRC

Gibbons, C., & Fried-Oken, M. (October, 2009). AAC clinical pathways for neurodegenerative diseases. Presentation at the 2009 Oregon Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Bend, OR (Handout)

Higginbotham, D.J. Interacting through technology. Paper presented to the International Society for the Analysis of Communication Discourse. New Orleans, LA.

Higginbotham, D.J., Blackstone, S., Hunt-Berg, M. (2009). AAC in the Wild: Exploring and Charting Authentic Social Interactions. Miniseminar presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech Language Association, New Orleans, LA, Peer-Reviewed. pdf 1 pdf 2 pdf 3

Kirkland, C. & Higginbotham, D.J. (2009). Grounding utterances using visual scene low tech systems versus traditional AAC. Poster presented to the Annual Convention of the American-Speech-Langugage and Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA, Peer-Reviewed.

McNaughton, D. (2009). Update on the activities of the RERC on Communication Enhancement. Assistive Technology Industry Association

Nordness, A., Beukelman, D., &  Ullman, C. (2009). Impact of Alphabet Supplementation on Speech and Pause Durations. American Speech and Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA (Poster)

Pressman, H. & Blackstone, S. (2009). Overcoming Patient-Provider Communication Breakdowns in Health Care Settings. Presentation at the American Speech and Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA. (Newsletter)

Schlosser, R.,  Shane, H., Sorce, J.,   O'Brien, M.,  Duggan, M.,  DeLuca, T.,  Debrowski, L., Neff, A (2009). Effects of Animation on Guessability & Identification of Graphic Symbols. American Speech and Hearing Association

Shane, H. (December, 2009). The Future of Assistive Technology and Autism, Keynote Address, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

Shane, H., (February, 2009). Using technology to educate persons with autism spectrum disorder: do professionals get a passing grade, Keynote Address, Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI

Link to previous AAC-RERC (2003-2008) Presentations

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