You are viewing the website for the aac-rerc, which was funded by NIDRR from 2008-2013.
For information on the new RERC on AAC, funded by NIDILRR from 2014-2019, please visit
Beukelman, D. & McNaughton, D. (January, 2011). New AAC Technology Development, ATIA Conference, Orlando, Fl.
Beukelman, D. (2011). Developing and sustaining an AAC informatics research program. Clinical AAC Conference, St. Paul, MN.
Beukelman, D. (March, 2011). Communication performance of people with aphasia using visual scenes: A research review. CSUN, San DIego, CA.
Beukelman, D., Horn, C., & Thiessen, A. (January, 2011). Characteristics of effective practices in teaching adults learners. DAAC Conference, Orlando, FL
Blackstone, S., Pressman, H., & Costello, J. (November, 2011). Providing communication access: Converging solutions to patient-provider communication breakdowns. Presentation at ASHA, San Diego, CA (Handout)
Bornman, J., Bryen, D.N., & Kreshaw, P. (August, 2011). A new chapter in ending the silence of victim with disabilities. Paper presented at the 2nd Regional African Conference on AAC, Boksburg, South Africa.
Bryen, D. N. (July, 2011). Supported Leadership: Leaning from the past shaping the future. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Disabilities, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Bryen, D.N. (August, 2011). Ethical issues in conducting research involving persons with disabilities: A view from the part and some new challenges, Paper presented at the Research Conference on Ethics in Disability Research, Boksburg, South Africa.
Bryen, D.N. (August, 2011). ACOLUG: More than an Online International Forum for People with Complex Communication Needs. Poster Session presented at the Regional African Conference on AAC, Boksburg, South Africa.
Bryen, D.N. (July, 2011). Enhancing communication for ALL through AAC, Chair of Panel at 5th International Conference on Disabilities, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Fager, S. & Beukelman, D. (2011) New Access Technology for Individuals with Severe Physical Limitations Using AAC. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia
Fager, S., Beukelman, D., Jakobs, T., Hosom. (November 2011). Supplemented Speech Recognition for Individuals with Dysarthria. American Speech-Language-Hearing Assocation Convention. November 2011. San Diego, CA.
Fried-Oken, M., Rowland, C., Gibbons, C., Oken, B. (April, 2011). Evidence to support augmentative communication treatment for Primary Progressive Aphasia. Poster at the American Academy of Neurology 63rd annual meeting.Honolulu, HI.
J. McCarthy, Hogan, T., Beukelman, D. (November 2011). Impact of Computerized Sounding Out on Spelling Performance of Children. American Speech-Language-Hearing Assocation Conference. November, 2011. Sand Diego, CA.
McNaughton, D. & Beukelman, D. (January, 2011). Review of AAC-RERC Dissemination, DAAC Conference 2011. Orlando, FL
McNaughton, D. (November, 2011). Communication, Self-Determination and Community: Augmentative and Alternative (AAC) Strategies to Support Transition. Invited presentation at The Pennsylvania Institute on Disabilities at Temple University.
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Schlosser, R., Kou, R., Shane, H., Sorce, J., Hotz, L., Brock, K., Tempesta, R., Moerlein, D., Schneck, S., Flynn, S., Laubscher, E., Abramson, J., & Fadie, H. (November, 2011). Effects of animation: A comparison of two graphic symbol sets. Presentation at ASHA, San Diego, CA (Handout)
Shane, H., Laubscher, E., Sorce, J., Abramson, Flynn, S., Schlosser, R., & Fadie, H. (November, 2011). Effects of a Visual Immersion Experience on communication in autism. Presentation at ASHA, San Diego, CA. (Handout)
Thiessen, A., Beukelman, D. (November 2011) Learning Motivation of Adults Involved in AAC Intervention. Amerian Speech-Language-Hearing Assocation Convention. November, 2011. San Diego, CA.