You are viewing the website for the aac-rerc, which was funded by NIDRR from 2008-2013.
For information on the new RERC on AAC, funded by NIDILRR from 2014-2019, please visit

State of the Science Conference

Janice Light

The State of the Science Conference for the AAC-RERC was held on Thursday June 28 at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, 700 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD.

report cover  A complete copy of the final report is available (pdf).

Topics for presentation and discussion included:

AAC for the 21st century: Framing the future  - David Beukelman

Language and learning: Cognitive science considerations in the design of AAC technologies for children and adults  - Janice Light & Melanie Fried-Oken
       (webcast - strong internet connection)
       (webcast on YouTube - wireless connection)

I think we need to talk about tone of voice (and I know we need to talk about design) - Graham Pullin (handout)

Adaptive access: Key design considerations for people with communication, motor, and cognitive challenges - Susan Fager & Jeffery Higginbotham
       (webcast - strong internet connection)
       (webcast on YouTube - wireless connection)

The conference format included presentations by leading AAC researchers, responses from invited panelists, and organized small group discussions with conference participants.