You are viewing the website for the aac-rerc, which was funded by NIDRR from 2008-2013.
For information on the new RERC on AAC, funded by NIDILRR from 2014-2019, please visit
Software Application (M-STARR) for a Mobile Multi-Media Device
(Children's Hospital Boston)
This project seeks to develop AAC software applications for mobile hand-hand media devices (e.g., Blackberry; iPhone; Android) intended for persons on the autism spectrum. The application will offer timely alerts and reminders, assist with communication, the organization of daily events, and provide media based rewards.
• To more efficiently organize and deliver visual supports (including photographs, graphic symbols, and electronic media) widely used by persons on the autism spectrum
• To first alert and then provide visual or auditory reminders that can improve understanding of daily activities
• To offer AAC communication strategies on mobile device
• Conduct pilot study of effectiveness of mobile device to deliver alerts and reminders
• Conduct pilot study of effectiveness of mobile device to deliver scene cues
• Create framework for comprehensive AAC application
• Recruit subjects on autism spectrum
• Study efficacy of application
Knowledge Transfer
Shane, H.C. (February, 2009). Using technology to educate persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Do professionals get a passing grade? Presentation at Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan.