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Writers Brigade Manual

The AAC-RERC announces the release of a FREE 160 page manual entitled "AAC-RERC Writers Brigade: Knowledge Translation through a Writers Workshop: "A Guide for Individuals and Organizations.

Click here to download a copy.


Johanna Schwartz Writers brigade cover Sarah Blackstone


Written by Johana Schwartz with Sarah Blackstone (Augmentative Communication Inc.) and the AAC-RERC Writers Brigade, this step-by-step guide describes how to set up a Writers Brigade to write and publish articles about research and development activities that are meant to have a positive impact on the lives of individuals with disabilities. It is based on the experiences of the AAC-RERC Writers Brigade over the past 5 years.

Individuals who may be interested in this guide include principal investigators, project directors and program directors who are working on disability-related technology, education and/or healthcare issues and want to produce information about their findings, successes and outcomes in a way that takes dissemination well beyond traditional peer-reviewed journals and professional meeting presentations in order to share new ideas, information, materials and products more efficiently and extensively among all interested stakeholders.

Organizations that have a knowledge translation plan should find this guide particularly useful because it systematically explains how to include people with disabilities in the transfer and translation of research and product. The RERC network, the NIDRR funding portfolio and entities such as the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation and other groups that carry out projects aimed at reducing the disabling impact of acute, chronic or degenerative conditions may find the Writers Brigade guide helpful.

Pamela Kennedy and David McNaughton will be continuing Writers Brigade activities as part of AAC-RERC 3 (2008-2013). For additional information, please click here