You are currently viewing an archived page from the AAC-RERC II (2003-2008) web site. New content is available at the web site for the AAC-RERC III (2008-2013) at

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AAC Tech Connect

AAC TechConnect, Inc. provides innovative clinical tools which simplify your augmentative communication (AAC) evaluations. At, you can find the ACES Device Assistant; a one-of-a kind search tool which helps you sort through 100+ devices through feature-matching and then provides side-by-side comparisons.

You can try the ACESDevice Assistant for free by clicking here! If you are a university program, then you can get access for your class by contacting AAC TechConnect directly for information on this option.

There are other free resources on this unique website including: 1)“What’s new” in AAC devices; 2) pictures and flyers of 100+ devices; and 3) manufacturers' contact information. Additional resources currently available on the website include the ACES Evaluation Toolkits which assist with AAC evaluations, along with the nationally scheduled workshops - “Augmentative Communication Evaluations Simplified: Tools and Resources”

Duke Univ. | InvoTek, Inc. | Penn State Univ. | Children's Hospital Boston | Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln | Oregon Health & Science Univ. | State Univ. of NY, Buffalo