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Medicare SGD/AAC Funding

Medicare Funding of AAC Technology

© 2001-2004 Medicare Implementation Team. All rights reserved.

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Thanks for accessing this WWW site to learn more about Medicare Funding of AAC Technology (also referred to as Speech Generating Devices" or "SGD" by Medicare and throughout these pages). It is important that we implement the AAC -Medicare funding policies and procedures accurately, efficiently, and ethically. As information about Medicare Funding of AAC technology becomes available, it will be included on this site. Currently, information is being prepared in the following areas:

Please check this site (AAC RERC Medicare Page) regularly and urge others, who serve Medicare eligible persons with severe communication disabilities, to do so as well. We will update it periodically as new information becomes available.

If you have a question or comment regarding the Medicare Assessment or Application Process for AAC (SGD) devices that is not addressed within this site, please send us email at: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Additional Information

The Medicare SGD Regional Medical Review Policy (RMRP) and National Coverage Decision (NCD) are both posted for review and download/printing on the Internet. The National Coverage Decision was originally issued as NCD # 60-23, and subsequently as renumbered by Medicare as 50.1. The following web pages display these documents, in addition to the copies printed below:


Medicare Region A DMERC

Medicare Region B DMERC

Medicare Region C DMERC

Medicare Region D DMERC


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Augmentive Communications, Inc. - Original NCD proposal to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and support letters from American Medical Association, American Association of Neurology and other agencies.




Medicare Implementation Team - List of volunteers who are putting together training materials to support the implementation of this policy. Laura Ball, Ph.D., Lisa Bardach, M.S., David Beukelman, Ph.D., Sarah Blackstone, Ph.D., Catherine Brown-Herman, M.S., Kevin Caves, M.E., Delva Culp, Ph.D., Frank DeRuyter, Ph.D., Molly Doyle, M.S., Iris Fishman, M.S., Lynn Fox, Ph.D., Melanie Fried-Oken, Ph.D., Kathy Garrett, Ph.D., Lewis Golinker, Esq., Joanne Lasker, Ph.D., Pam Mathy, Ph.D., Pat Ourand, M.S., Marsha Sullivan, Ph.D.

The information on the site was developed and copyrighted by members of the Medicare Implementation Team. The site is partially supported by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR).



If you use any of the information from this site in a publication, website, handout, or in any other way, please reference the site as follows:

AAC-RERC website. -- Medicare Funding of AAC Technology. Information obtained on ______ (you MUST specify the date). Supported in part by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR).