AAC Interventions to Maximize Language Development for Young Children |

Presenter: Janice Light, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Penn State University
Please view this webcast at https://aac-learning-center.psu.edu/2019/05/30/aac-interventions-to-maximize-language/
Webcast Description:
Young children who have significant communication disabilities are at risk in all aspects of their development. Early AAC intervention is essential to maximize outcomes. This session will report on the results of a research project, funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research as part of the AAC-RERC.
The session will discuss: (1) effective designs for AAC systems to better meet the needs and skills of young children, and (2) effective techniques to implement AAC with young children who have significant communication disabilities (ages 0-3) and their families.
Implications for effective evidence-based practice will be discussed using case studies to illustrate the effects of these interventions on language and communication development. With early access to appropriate AAC technologies and services, young children with significant communication disabilities will be better able to build the language and communication skills that they require to achieve their full potential and maximize outcomes.
Slides and Handouts
Link: Click here to view the slides for this webcast as a PDF file.
Link: Click here to view the handouts for this webcast as a PDF file.
Link: Click here to view a transcript of this webcast as a PDF file.
Link: Click here to download a transcript of this webcast as a TXT file.