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Scholarship Award

WORDS+/ISAAC 2002 Consumer/User Scholarship Award

The WORDS+/ISAAC 2002 Consumer/User Scholarship Award is available to consumers/users of all Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC) technology.


To provide financial assistance to an AAC consumer/user to obtain education/training at the post-secondary level


US $2,000 per year for two years (total of US $4,000)

Candidate Requirements:

  • International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) member (or applying for membership)
  • AAC consumer/user
  • Currently enrolled or planning to enroll in a program for post-secondary education

Application Process:

The applicant must submit the following to apply for the scholarship:
1. A 300 - 500 word essay that includes the following information:
  • Educational objectives and concrete plan for enrollment in post-secondary education together with a specified time schedule for a two-year education curriculum
  • Name of institution of higher education recipient plans to attend
  • How scholarship funds will be used

2. Two letters of recommendation highlighting why the candidate should receive the scholarship, and supporting the candidate's potential to achieve the goals formulated in the essay.

3. Pertinent personal background information (short curriculum vitae)
Post-Selection Requirement:

The recipient will be required to provide a brief, written report of activity at the conclusion of each of the two sponsored academic years. Contact Words+ for more specific information.

Application Deadline:

April 01, 2002

Submit Applications To:

Words+/ISAAC 2002 Consumer/User Scholarship
ISAAC Secretariat
49 The Donway West, Suite 308
Toronto, ON M3C 3M9 Canada

Phone: 416-385-0351
Fax: 416-385-0352
Web site: