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AAC-RERC Development Project D5

D5: New AAC Interface Strategies - Speech Recognition

Lead Institution: University of Nebraska, Lincoln
This project will focus on the development of new AAC interface strategies with an early emphasis in speech recognition.
Individuals with severe speech disorders who use AAC.
Persons who require AAC because they are not able to meet their daily communication needs through speech are often able to produce vocalizations, vowel sounds, or clicks consistently. For some individuals, residual sound production is physically efficient for them. Therefore, this project will seek to develop and evaluate a prototype system to allow the control of assistive technology with residual sound production.

The prototype interface that has been developed supports the following access strategies: linear scanning (single sound recognition), row-column scanning (single sound recognition), direct matrix access (multiple sound recognition), and direct selection (multiple sound recognition).

A field test has been completed with three non-disabled speakers. More field tests are ongoing with two brain-injured individuals who are unable to speak to meet their daily communication needs. One participant controls the VAS iInterface with a click which is the only sound that he can produce consistently. The other participant controls the VAS Interface with two different vowel sounds, and nasal sounds (the only sounds that she can produce consistently).

The SBIR proposal has been submitted and approved, although not yet funded.

  • Participants with vowel production only and lip click only can access the interface with 90% accuracy when engaged in a cognitive appropriate communication task.

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David Beukelman, Ph.D., (Principal Investigator):
Kevin Caves, BSME: